Building for the Future

March 28, 2022

Creating healthy minds, healthy lives and a thriving community. That is our vision. To make that happen, we need to make mental health resources and support easily accessible for everyone in a place that is comfortable and close to home. And I’m proud to say that Wyandot BHN is embarking on a new endeavor to make that happen.

I am proud to announce that Wyandot BHN is partnering with Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC) and other community agencies on plans to build a collaborative and comprehensive Community Education, Health & Wellness Center in the heart of downtown Kansas City, Kansas. The Downtown Community Education, Health & Wellness Center, scheduled to open in Summer 2024, will be a self-sustaining economic solution for the community that will help end the social and economic inequities that have prevailed in this area for decades.

This new campus is an important step forward in improving access to care. Wyandot BHN does not currently have an outpatient care location east of I-635. Our services locations are all further west. But we know there are children, adults and families in the downtown, northeast and Central Avenue areas of Wyandotte County who need our services. This new location will allow us to deliver therapy and other needed services where our consumers live, work and raise their families.

Wyandotte County is a community that is rich in resources. The Downtown Community Education, Health and Wellness Center will bring a number of those resources together under one roof. Wyandot BHN is proud to be playing a part in bringing this space to life. We believe this is a great opportunity to be a part of something bigger – a chance to make real, lasting change in Wyandotte County. It is an opportunity to work together to create healthy minds, healthy lives and a thriving community.

If you would like more information on this project and how you can be involved, click here to view our case statement or email